Transport and roads
Information about current and planned roadworks in Swansea. These include work by the council and utility companies.
Bus information
Swansea bus station opening times and timetables.

Active travel
Active travel is a term for making journeys by physically active means, like walking or cycling. We want to improve and promote active travel for the benefit of everyone.

Get on your bike with great cycling routes in Swansea for travel and leisure, part of the National Cycle Network (routes 4 and 43) and the Celtic Trail West.
Report a problem with roads and pavements
Let us know of any problems on roads or pavements so that we can repair them.
Road and footpath maintenance
We are responsible for the maintenance of public highways, pavements and cycle paths in Swansea.
Dropped kerbs
Dropped kerbs, or vehicle crossovers are the lowered kerb stones that allow vehicles to legally access driveways and other access roads to homes.
Highway applications and permits
Apply for street and highway permits, including skips, hoardings, oversails and pavement cafes.
Electric vehicles
Information for residents and visitors who use electric vehicles.
Adopted roads and highways
An adopted highway is a road, footpath or bridleway that is maintained at public expense. Swansea Council carries out maintenance of these highways in Swansea.
Abandoned vehicles
A vehicle may be treated as abandoned if it has been left in an area for a period of time or has no registered keeper. It may not be taxed and may also be in a dangerous condition.
Street lighting
Street lighting helps roads and footways to be used safely. We are responsible for maintaining 30,000 street lights and 5,000 illuminated traffic signs.
Traffic Regulation Orders
Current statutory notices relating to various proposals and orders made by Swansea Council.
Road safety
We work with schools and communities to deliver an extensive programme of road safety education, training and awareness to help reduce road casualties.
Wheels 2 Work scooter loan scheme
Are you struggling to find transport to travel to work or training, or unable to accept a job opportunity because you can't get there?
Who to contact if road drains become blocked and start flooding.
Winter roads and gritting
To help improve driving conditions we grit the main roads when the road surface temperature is expected to fall below zero degrees and the road is damp.
Bridges and highway structures
Bridges and highway structures information, including how to report damage.
Abnormal loads
Large or heavy loads which need to be transported are known as abnormal loads. If you are planning to take an abnormal load along the highway you need to tell us beforehand.
Community transport
Community transport provides journey opportunities for people who are unable to use conventional public transport or who live in an area not frequently served by public transport or those with a disability.
Frequently asked questions about council vehicles
Find out answers to the most common questions we get asked about council vehicles.
Frequently asked questions about speed cameras
Find out answers to the most common questions we get asked about speed cameras.
Frequently asked questions about traffic lights / road signs
Find out answers to the most common questions we get asked about traffic lights / road signs.

Swansea Bayways
Our walking, cycling and active travel routes make it easier to travel around Swansea on foot or by bike.
Transport and highways plans and policies
Strategies, plans and policies for transport and highways.
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Last modified on 05 July 2024