Active travel
Active travel is a term for making journeys by physically active means, like walking or cycling. We want to improve and promote active travel for the benefit of everyone.

Benefits of active travel include:
- improvements in your health and wellbeing
- fewer cars on the road, reducing congestion
- reductions in carbon emissions and cleaner air
- better connections between local communities
- enhanced access to employment, education, and key services
The current active travel network in Swansea consists of over 120km of on and off-road cycle and walking routes enjoyed by people of all abilities.
In line with the Welsh Government's Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013 and delivered as part of the active travel fund, we are committed to increasing and promoting active travel routes across the area. This means that more routes are being added to the network, making commuting by foot and cycle safer, easier and more joined up.
Projects will see new and improved infrastructure delivered across Swansea and will not only improve connectivity between communities, but will also link with the wider public transport network.

Completed routes

Current projects

Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013

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Information for employers

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