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Frequently asked questions about speed cameras

Find out answers to the most common questions we get asked about speed cameras.

How many speed cameras are currently in operation in the area administered by the council?

This is dealt with by Go Safe, now under Dyfed Powys Police.

What is the total amount of money made from speed cameras?

This information is not held by Swansea Council. All fixed penalties paid by offenders are paid to Her Majesty's Court and Tribunal Service. It is also worth noting that offences can be satisfied by payment of fixed penalty, attendance at speed awareness course (via any national driver offender re-training scheme (NDORS)) or via the courts.

How many CCTV cameras are owned by your council to catch drivers breaking traffic laws, and how many are currently in use?

1 mobile camera.

Please specify where these cameras are placed and their intended use on-site? (For example, to catch drivers making U-turns / illegal right turns / using a bus lane / yellow-box junction offences)

Parking offences only.

How many fines have been issued and what revenue has your council gained over the past four years as a result of these cameras?

See: Parking services annual reports

Where are the fines monies allocated?

To support parking enforcement service and off-street car parking provision.

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Last modified on 23 May 2023