We're getting in touch with every household to check we've got the right information on the electoral register. Please follow the instructions, so you'll be ready to vote in upcoming elections.
Elections + voting
The Electoral Services office oversees the running of Elections for the City and County of Swansea. They are also responsible for managing the Electoral Register.
Councillors and committees
Find your local councillor and information about committees, agendas and minutes.
Contact us
You can contact the council online, by email, phone or face to face.
Publication scheme
Our publication scheme makes it easier to find information without having to make a formal application under the Freedom of Information Act.

Read our latest news and press releases.
Have your say
Have your say in council surveys, consultations and forums.
Lord Mayor of Swansea
The Right Worshipful The Lord Mayor of the City and County of Swansea Councillor Paxton Hood-Williams. for the municipal year 2024/25.
Coroner's office
HM Coroner is an independent judicial officer holding office under the Crown. Every coroner is local to a jurisdiction, funded by the local council, but independent of council, police, hospitals and Welsh Government.
Performance and statistics
A wide range of statistics, information and intelligence about our City and County.
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Last modified on 30 August 2024