Report a problem with roads and pavements
Let us know of any problems on roads or pavements so that we can repair them.
Report a pothole online
Report a pothole and we'll aim to fix it within 48 hours of you reporting it (weather permitting).
Report blocked gullies or flooding of roads or pathways
Report blocked gullies or flooding of roads or pathways.
Report an abandoned vehicle
Let us know about an abandoned vehicle so we can deal with it.
Report a street lighting fault
Let us know about any problems with street lights so that we can fix them.
Report snow or ice on the road or pavement online
Snow and ice can be dangerous on roads and pavements so please let us know of any issues.
Request a grit bin is refilled
Let us know if your nearest grit bin needs refilling.
Report damaged road surface online
Let us know about damage to the road or footpath surface.
Report damaged or broken paving stones online
Let us know of any damaged or broken paving stones so we can arrange for them to be repaired or replaced.
Report other problems with roads and pavements
Report any other issues with roads and pavements including damaged benches and railings, graffiti, traffic lights, overhanging branches, highways safety for example rocks, obstruction and weeds.
Report a problem with 20mph speed limit signs
Please let us know if there is an issue with any speed limit signs in Swansea, specifically in relation to the new 20mph speed limit.
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Last modified on 26 June 2024