Repairs, maintenance and improvements to council housing and estates
As well as repairs and regular maintenance that we carry out, there may be improvements or changes that you might want to make to your home.
Council housing improvements
We have now reached the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) and in doing so, have delivered a huge programme of repairs and improvements to our council homes across Swansea.
How to deal with issues yourself
There are sometimes things that you can do yourself to help stop issues occurring in the first place or simple fixes you can do to solve problems.
Request a housing repair
Request a repair to your home via our online form.
Emergency repairs
Our emergency repair service deal with urgent repairs needed to make you safe.
Planned servicing, repairs and maintenance
We undertake regular repairs and maintenance of council housing, including gas servicing.
Make improvements yourself
Every contract holder has the right to make improvements to their home, such as installing new kitchen units, building a wall in the garden or installing a new shower or bath.
Right to repair
If repairs aren't carried out within the appointed time you have the right to request a different contractor.
Satellite dishes
You are able to put up a satellite dish on your property as long as you have received approval from the Housing Department and the Planning Department, if necessary.
Grass cutting service
Help is available for grass and hedge cutting if you are unable to do it yourself and have no-one who can do it for you.
Garages and driveways
Information on building a driveway and renting a garage.
Estate caretaking
The estate caretakers carry out litter picking, low level ground maintenance, removal of needles and check communal areas of blocks of flats.
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Last modified on 30 June 2021