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Net Zero 2030 policies

Policies and strategies taking action on climate change.

Lead policy areas

Climate action is co-ordinated via the key policy areas below:

1. Energy Strategy

Effective energy and carbon management is essential to reduce emissions and combat climate change. Swansea Council action is led via an Energy and Carbon Management Strategic Plan. This identifies and analyses energy and carbon emissions from the Council's operational service areas and brings together all legislations and policies that relate to energy, carbon management and climate change. It helps all Council services adapt to low carbon ways of working and apply renewable technologies.

2. Green Infrastructure Strategy

Green infrastructure is a term used to describe all the greenspace, soil, vegetation and water (ranging from parks to roof gardens) that provide the ecosystem services that make our cities liveable. This strategy considers how green infrastructure can be increased in Swansea in order to make it better adapted to climate change and better for people and wildlife.

3. Local Biodiversity Plan

Biodiversity is about the variety of plant and animal life and the habitats they live in. This policy aims to protect, manage, enhance and promote Swansea's outstanding natural environment and species. This approach is led by the Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (LBAP).

4. Local Development Plan

The 2010-2025 Plan provides a clear planning framework for planning decisions in Swansea. It enables the delivery of sustainable development in the decision making process so that the right development occurs in the right place. It is supported by Supplementary Planning Guidance.

5. Procurement Strategy

Swansea Council procurement is underpinned by maximising the economic, social, environmental and cultural benefits that may be obtained from buying power. Our procurement activity strives to ensure that carbon reduction ambitions that underpin the sustainable development principle are integrated within procurement practice as appropriate.

6. Sustainable Transport Strategy

A great deal of positive work has been carried out in this area which the Council is looking to bring together into a single sustainable travel and transport strategy. This would include how the council deals with its Council fleet, the grey fleet (personal mileage by employees), its emissions from street lighting, the continued promotion of active travel and the development of a local and regional sustainable public transport system.

7. Waste Strategy

The Council's existing strategy was aligned to Welsh Government's recycling targets which aimed to achieve 64% recycling levels by 19/20 and this was achieved by Swansea. This target increases to 70% by 24/25 and the council is reviewing its options to achieve these increased levels. In the meantime as part of the overall Climate change plan it will develop a new Waste Strategy which it will seek to align with the overarching Welsh Government plans over the coming 12 to 18 months.

8. Housing Strategy (Decarbonisation)

Swansea Council has developed a 'Swansea Standard' to guide the building of new Council homes in line with energy efficiency and carbon reduction best practice. We are developing innovative approaches to updating the Council's existing homes including the Homes as Power Stations scheme. The next stage is the development of a long term Decarbonisation Strategy alongside the excellent work that is already being undertaken.


These overarching elements enable our policy-led approach to achieving a Net Zero Swansea Council by 2030:

i. The Well-being of Future Generations Act (Wales) 2015

This legislation places a duty on the Council to carry out sustainable development improving social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being. It sets out the sustainable development principle's five ways of working and seven national well-being goals.

ii. Sustainable Development Policy

This sets out how the Council can ensure it meets present needs while ensuring future generations can meet their needs too. It guides services and decision makers in applying the five ways of working and maximising their contribution to Swansea's well-being.

iii. Corporate plan

This details how the Council will improve well-being in practice. It lays out priorities for action in six well-being objectives and the steps to achieve them in line with the sustainable development principle.

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