Housing data, policies and strategies
Data, policies and strategies relating to housing services and how they are run.
Housing FAQs (FOI)
Find out answers to the most common questions we get asked about housing as part of freedom of information (FOI) requests.
Swansea tower blocks
Key facts on tower blocks owned by us.
Housing Support Programme Strategy 2022 - 2026
Our strategy to aid our aim in making homelessness rare, brief and unrepeated.
Housing rents management strategy 2022-2026
This Strategy sets out the guiding principles for the development and delivery of Swansea Council's Housing Rents Management Service over the next 4 years.
Housing allocations policy
This policy is the framework for the assessment of applications for council housing including tenant transfers, the allocation of council property, and nominations to a tenancy held by a housing association.
Housing estate management strategy 2021-25
This strategy sets out the guiding principles for the development and delivery of estate management services on Swansea Council housing estates over the next 4 years.
Private sector housing renewal and disabled adaptations - policy to provide assistance 2022-27
The Private Sector Housing Renewal and Disabled Adaptations Policy details how we deliver assistance to help private owners and tenants to repair, maintain or adapt their homes
Welsh housing quality standard - compliance policy
All stock retaining Authorities have to bring their properties up to the Welsh Housing Quality Standard by 2020.
Gypsy traveller policy
Our gypsy traveller policy gives families equal opportunity to access services provided by the council and others.
Statement for investigating intentional homelessness in the City and County of Swansea
When someone who is eligible for help under the homelessness provisions of the Housing (Wales) Act 2014, is threatened with homelessness, the council is required to take all reasonable steps to keep that household together in their home, if it is suitable.
Gypsy and traveller accommodation assessment 2022
The Housing (Wales) Act 2014 requires local authorities to carry out an assessment of the accommodation needs of gypsies and travellers residing in or resorting to its area and to make provision for sites where the assessment identifies an unmet need for mobile home pitches.
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Last modified on 05 May 2023