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Bank holiday information - May

Bank holiday information for our services, including opening times and emergency contacts. All recycling collections will take place on the usual days.

Further research and statistics

Additional research resources and statistical information about Swansea and its local areas.

The pages below complement the area profiles and statistics by theme available elsewhere in the Performance and Statistics section of the website.  They will be further developed and updated as new information becomes available.

If you require any further details or advice on these pages or the availability of data in Swansea, please contact us.

Equalities Statistics Review

A review of statistics for Swansea on population characteristics related to equalities.

Statistics on students in Swansea

The number of students enrolled at Swansea's higher and further education institutions.

Household income: model-based estimates

Small area estimates of average annual household income (2015-16)

Information, Research and GIS

Information, Research and GIS