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Lifeguard training

We run a number of Royal Life Saving Society National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ) 8th Edition courses to equip people with the right skills to apply for jobs like pool lifeguards and leisure attendants.

To qualify you will need to:

  • be 16 years of age prior to assessment
  • complete a minimum of 36 contact hours of theory and practical training prior to assessment
  • complete exercises in 'The Lifeguard' manual during the course

On the first day of the course your swimming ability and water confidence will be tested.

You must be able to:

  • jump into the deep end
  • swim 50 metres in no more than 60 seconds
  • swim continuously 100 metres on front and back
  • dive to the deepest part of the pool and retrieve a manikin
  • tread water for 30 seconds
  • climb out of the pool unassisted

It is essential that you are capable of passing the swimming ability and confidence test, you will need the skills tested to undertake the tasks during training. If you fail to pass you will not be able to carry on and your fee payment will not be refunded.


Don't Drink and Drown

It only takes a split second for happy hour to end in a nightmare. Figures state that about a quarter of all adult drowning victims have alcohol in their bloodstream. If you've had a drink, stay away from the water.

The campaign raises awareness of the dangers of being near water when under the influence of alcohol.

Stay Safe

  • Don't walk home near water, you might fall in
  • Look out for your friends, make sure they get home safely
  • Don't enter the water if you have been drinking
  • Alcohol seriously affects your ability to get yourself out of trouble

Effects of alcohol

  • Alcohol lowers inhibitions, leading to impaired judgment which means you are more likely to take risks and get into trouble
  • Alcohol limits muscle ability making simple movements much harder
  • Alcohol slows down your reactions making it more difficult to get yourself out of trouble
  • Alcohol numbs the senses particularly sight, sound and touch, making swimming very difficult

Lifeguard course dates

Find the latest lifeguarding course dates

Lifeguard re-qualifying

Are you a qualified lifeguard and need to attend monthly training or re-qualify?

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Last modified on 17 August 2021