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Mumbles conservation area - review complete

Mumbles Conservation Area has been reviewed and the expanded boundary/ character appraisal/ management plan was adopted as supplementary planning guidance (SPG) in February 2021.

The Mumbles Conservation Area Review has been completed. The updated information has been approved as Supplementary Planning Guidance by the Planning Committee and will be uploaded very soon. In the meantime if you have any queries please contact

The Mumbles Conservation Area Review process was undertaken to produce an up to date assessment of the character and issues affecting the designated Mumbles Conservation Area.

Public and stakeholder consultation was undertaken initially in May-July 2018, and further consultation in Jan-March 2020, and this fed into the final document.

At its meeting on 22 February 2021, Swansea Council planning committee considered the Conservation Area review including boundary amendments alongside feedback from the public and stakeholder consultation. A decision was made to amend the Conservation Area as proposed. 

The new information includes:

  • Expanded boundary
  • Up to date Character Appraisal; and
  • Management Plan
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Last modified on 04 September 2021