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Information for parents booklet 2025 / 2026

Late applications (Reception and Year 7 September 2025)

Applications received after the deadline of 29 November 2024.

Applications submitted after the published closing date (29 November 2024) will not be considered until after all on time applications received have been allocated and offered their places on the statutory offer day. Late applications are dealt with in date order of receipt. Where there are more late applications for a school than there are places available the applications will be considered in line with the oversubscription criteria.

The local authority will only be able to allocate a place in your chosen school if places are still available. This means that you may not be allocated a place at the school of your choice even if you live in the school's catchment area or move into the catchment area after 29 November 2024.

If you wish to change your school preference after the published closing date for applications or after an offer of a place has been made on the statutory offer day, a new application will need to be submitted. A new application made will be a late application and will supersede any earlier applications received and any offers that were previously made would no longer be available.

Please contact the Admissions Team for a late form:

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