Information for parents booklet 2025 / 2026
Applying for a school place mid-year (primary and secondary schools)
The mid-year school transfer process is for any child already attending school who is moving into Swansea from another local authority or country, or is living in Swansea and wishes to transfer from one school to another.
The local authority recognises that for some pupils, a move from one school to another during the middle of a term or school year can be particularly difficult and stressful for both the pupils themselves and their families. There may be a variety of reasons why you feel a mid-year move to a new school is the best option for your child.
Before you decide to request a transfer to another school, for reasons other than a house move you should consider your options very carefully and discuss your reasons and any issues with the headteacher of your child's current school. A change of school does not always resolve a problem and in some circumstances a move can create difficulties particularly where a pupil is mid-way through examination studies, ie. during Years 10 and 11.
Many issues can be successfully resolved without the need for a change of school. We recommend you consider the following before you decide whether a school move is the right choice for your child:
- Have you brought any significant issues that your child is experiencing to the attention of the school? This will allow them the opportunity to look into matters and to try to resolve the difficulties.
- Have you conducted sufficient research yourselves and are confident that the new school is able to meet the particular needs of your child?
- Is the new school able to offer the subject choices and courses that your child has been studying? This is particularly relevant for pupils in Year 9 who are selecting their GCSE subject options, and more so for those wishing to move in Years 10 and 11. Once GCSE courses have already started it is not always possible to continue studying the same range of subjects in another school, which could impact on the number of GCSE exam passes that will be achievable following a change of school. There is also the possibility that even if the new school offers the required courses, they may not be in a position to accommodate your child if the courses are full. This could be particularly problematic in practical subjects such as Catering, Construction or Computing that rely on a certain number of work stations per pupil.
- Have you considered how your child will travel to and from the new school on a daily basis?
- Whether on balance, the time needed for your child to adapt to new surroundings, make new friends and settle into new routines is worth the upheaval associated with a school move?
If after considering the points above you wish to pursue a school move for your child, you will need to complete an application form. You are invited to list up to 3 schools in order of preference, and fully complete all sections with relevant details. If your first choice is oversubscribed and we are not able to allocate a place to your child we will consider your second and then your third preferences. Normal admissions criteria will apply to each application.
Where we can offer your first choice school, all lower ranked school preferences will be disregarded.
If you wish for your child to move from an English-medium school to a Welsh-medium school, support is available for them to increase their Welsh-language skills to be able to transition into a different language setting. For more information visit or email
If you reside outside of the City and County of Swansea local authority, we strongly advise that you also make an application with your own local authority (the local authority to whom you pay your council tax) as, in the event we are unable to offer your child a place at a Swansea school(s) that you have made a preference for, we will not offer your child an alternative Swansea school.
If you move into the area during the school year or you want to transfer your child to another school during the school year you may wish to arrange to visit the proposed school to discuss the move and options available.
If you decide to proceed with the transfer you will need to complete an application form and return it to the Admissions Team at Swansea Council.
The application form an be accessed in the following ways:
- Our website - this is the quickest option:
- Requesting one from the school you would like your child to attend.
- Visiting the Contact Centre in the Civic Centre, Swansea.
- Emailing to request a form.
- Contacting the Admissions Team to request a form.
If you have more than one child that requires a school place, please complete a separate application for each child.
Application forms are processed in date order within 15 school days or 28 calendar days (whichever is sooner) of the application being received by the local authority. If there is room in the appropriate year group, your child will be given a place. If the year group is full, ie. they have admitted up to their admission number (AN) then you will be contacted in writing and told that the local authority is unable to give your child a place. You will be given the option to appeal against the decision not to award a place at the chosen school. Details of how to appeal will be sent with the letter. If you are not offered a place because the school you apply for is full then your child's name will be placed on the waiting list and kept on the list for the remainder of the academic year. If any places become available while your child's name is on the waiting list then the place will be offered to children using the oversubscription criteria.
If you have any questions regarding the admissions process please contact the Admissions Team:
If your child is on the waiting list please remember their position may change as applications may be received at any time that have a higher degree of priority under the oversubscription criteria.