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83 - Parked without clearly displaying a valid pay and display ticket (car park)


I had a valid pay and display ticket

If you had a valid pay and display ticket which had either fallen off or had turned face down, we may consider your challenge. You can Challenge a PCN online. You will need to provide a copy of the front face of the pay and display ticket with all the details clearly visible, including the expiry date / time.. Each case is reviewed individually so your challenge may not be successful.

If you decide not to challenge and you would like to take advantage of the discounted price: Pay a PCN / parking fine

I had gone to get some change

The council expect you to have the required change on your person when parking in a pay and display bay. You are liable for the penalty charge notice.

If you would like to take advantage of the discounted price: Pay a PCN / parking fine

The machine was not working

If the machine was not functioning correctly, a number is provided on the machine front for customers to call in case of any problems. If you did not call to report a fault with the machine, you are liable for the penalty charge notice.

If you would like to take advantage of the discounted price: Pay a PCN / parking fine

My vehicle has been cloned

If you have received a PCN through the post from Swansea Council and you are certain that this was not you, your vehicle registration may have been cloned which is a serious crime and must be reported to the police as soon as possible. 

If you believe your vehicle has been cloned, we may consider your challenge. You can Challenge a PCN online. You will need to provide us with evidence that it was not you or your vehicle that was present when the PCN was issued, this could be a receipt from that day for example. Each case is reviewed individually so your challenge may not be successful.

If you decide not to challenge and you would like to take advantage of the discounted price: Pay a PCN / parking fine

I have a blue badge

If you have a blue badge whilst parking at one of our car parks, unless stated on the tariff board, you are required to purchase and display a pay and display ticket or have a season ticket on display as well as having your blue badge on display. If you had a valid pay and display ticket or a valid season ticket, we may consider your challenge. You can Challenge a PCN online. You will need to upload a copy of both sides of your blue badge. Each case is reviewed individually so your challenge may not be successful.

If you had not purchased a pay and display ticket where stated or did not have a valid season ticket, you are liable for the penalty charge notice. 

If you decide not to challenge and you would like to take advantage of the discounted price: Pay a PCN / parking fine

I was not given 5 or 10 minutes

10 minutes of grace time is given, after the expiry of a pay and display ticket, within an off-street Swansea Council surface car park.  However, only 5 minutes grace is given to on-street pay and display bays, as they are short stay parking bays for 30 to 120 minutes duration. You are liable for the penalty charge notice.

If you would like to take advantage of the discounted price: Pay a PCN / parking fine

I had a medical emergency

If you were involved in a medical emergency, we may consider your challenge. You can Challenge a PCN online. You will need to provide us with a formal letter from a health professional that treated you or a passenger directly after the event. Each case is reviewed individually so your challenge may not be successful.

If you decide not to challenge and you would like to take advantage of the discounted price: Pay a PCN / parking fine

I was loading/ unloading

There is no exemption for loading/ unloading whilst in a car park, you must have a valid pay and display ticket. You are liable for the penalty charge notice.

If you would like to take advantage of the discounted price: Pay a PCN / parking fine

I have been issued two PCNs

We may consider your challenge if both PCNs were:

  1. issued on the same day
  2. issued on the same street
  3. issued under the same contravention

If this is the case, we may consider your challenge. If you have been issued two PCNs on the same day on the same street and for the same contravention, you will need to Challenge a PCN online and provide your vehicle registration number along with the WJ number printed on the PCN which was issued the second time. Our team will investigate your challenge and cancel any PCN which falls under this category. Each case is reviewed individually so your challenge may not be successful.

If you decide not to challenge and you would like to take advantage of the discounted price: Pay a PCN / parking fine

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Last modified on 05 November 2021