Regeneration Morriston
Regeneration Morriston is a partnership group working together to support the economic regeneration of Morriston with a focus on Woodfield Street.
Its role includes:
- identifying key regeneration issues
- identifying and secure funding for local projects
- potential of pooling activities / resources to jointly deliver actions
- opportunity to make better use of assets and how public bodies can work more efficiently together
- gathering views local people and businesses to inform action plan
- maximising the benefits for local people and businesses from regeneration activities
- promoting Morriston's economic regeneration agenda
- engaging with other relevant partnerships / groups in the area to seek and identify best practice
Progress to date
- Number of vacant properties brought back into use in partnership with the private sector - more due to open in 2023, including co-working space
- Annual Victorian Christmas event to celebrate the town's heritage and attract more visitors to the town (November 2021 and 2022)
- Series of walking trail leaflets and heritage walks run by local friends' groups
- Start-up grants to support new business start ups
- Phase 1 greening works completed during early 2022 to enhance Woodfield Street as an attractive place to shop and visit: Map of Woodfield Street improvement plan (PDF) [3MB]
- Range of business advice and support (including start up grants) available through the council's business support team
- Heritage walking trails developed for Lower Swansea Valley area to draw in visitors to the town
- Inaugural Victorian Christmas event held on 27 November to attract visitors to the town
- Employability hub established in Seion Newydd Chapel to help people find work - open every Wednesday
- Shop local campaign to help increase trade on Woodfield Street commenced November 2020: Shop Local Shop Morriston
- Supporting shop local posters etc available at (opens new window)
- Discussion with key agencies to address anti-social behaviour issues and public consultation undertaken: Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs)
- Local community map developed by Tabernacle - Our Morriston map (by Tabernacle) (PDF) [7MB]
- Pilot shop front improvement scheme - four schemes being taken forward, works due to be completed in 2023
- Town Centre Loan Fund made available to property owners / businesses to bring vacant commercial space back into use
- Grant monies to bring vacant properties back into use
- Working with St John's church owners to bring this back into use to encourage local footfall - due to open in summer 2023
- WhatsApp group set up to engage with traders
- Work with friends groups to develop opportunities and funding secured to promote Morriston's heritage
- Mapping work completed on existing community assets and activities in Morriston
- Survey of property ownership and occupiers on Woodfield Street
- Work with local property owners to bring buildings back into use
- Business hub event took place on 6 December 2018
- Action plan developed and being taken forward with key stakeholders
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Last modified on 03 May 2023