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Business advice

We work closely with a wide range of partners to provide advice and support regardless of the size or sector of your business.

Help and advice for businesses on the cost of living can be found on the Business Wales website: Cost of doing business (Business Wales) (opens new window)

If you require general business support and advice, your first point of contact should be our business support team. We will discuss your business requirements and identify the most appropriate support available.

Contact our business support team Business support team

Financial support

Access to finance can be an important aspect to starting and growing your business. We work closely alongside a range of partners to provide access to financial support.

Start-up support

Starting a new business can be both an exciting and daunting prospect but we recognise that start-up businesses play an important role to our local economy.

Recruitment and training

There are a range of funded recruitment support services and training programmes delivered by us and our partners.

Online and digital support

Having a fully connected and online business is now a vitally important tool in connecting with and accessing customers.

Further advice and support

Details of other organisations that can help your business, from general support and networking to Welsh language.
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Last modified on 24 November 2022