Regeneration Swansea
Regeneration Swansea is a partnership working to maximise economic benefits from regeneration projects in order to improve the prosperity of the local area and its people.
It is made up of representatives from the private, public, education, voluntary and health sector and its terms of reference include:
- project development and troubleshooting role to help unlock delivery issues
- linking into employability programmes and Beyond Bricks and Mortar principles into regeneration activities
- intelligence gathering to inform local, regional and national economic regeneration plans
- promoting Swansea's economic regeneration agenda
- working with the Public Service Board (PSB) to take forward the City Deal and Infrastructure theme
- acting as the Local Stakeholder Project Board for the Welsh Government Transforming Towns Programme and UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
Regeneration Morriston
Regeneration Morriston is a partnership group working together to support the economic regeneration of Morriston with a focus on Woodfield Street.
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Last modified on 13 August 2024