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Swansea Mosque Foodbank

Open Sundays 12.40pm - 1.40pm, through our voucher referral scheme.


If a client needs access to our foodbank, they must get referred by an organisation. Please visit our website for full details including a list of referral organisations:

We accept emails from our referring partners stating clients information and confirming they are happy for the foodbank to receive their personal details.

We request our referring partners to email us by Friday at with the following information:

  • client's full name
  • address
  • contact number
  • how many people in the household, and any special dietary requirements.

We are only providing dry food. Please visit our website for a full list of food we provide.

Donations: Those who want to donate can contact and arrange a day for food drop off or donate on Saturdays between 1.00pm - 2.00pm at Swansea Mosque.


Swansea Mosque Foodbank
  • Swansea Mosque
  • 159a St Helen's Road
  • Swansea
  • SA1 4DG
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