Do you need help with the cost of living? Take a look at our cost of living help pages: Cost of living help
Cost of living payments
There are payments available from both the UK and Welsh governments to help with the cost of living.
Benefits calculators
If you are not sure if you qualify for any benefits you can use an independent benefits calculator to check.
Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction
If you are on a low income you may be able to apply for Housing Benefit to help with rent costs and/ or Council Tax Reduction to help with council tax costs.
Food banks and other food support
There is a range of food support available in Swansea for those in need, from food banks and food share to ready-made takeaway meals, sit-down meals and community shops.
Free period products
Free period products are available at a number of locations around Swansea.
Debt advice
Free support and advice on managing debt for people who have money worries or debt concerns.
Find advice and support on benefits
Billions of pounds of means-tested benefits go unclaimed every year. Understanding what you are entitled to and making a claim can seem complicated, but there are organisations that can help you.
Help with fuel and energy costs and other household bills
Help and support available for paying fuel, energy and other household bills.
The Discretionary Assistance Fund
The Discretionary Assistance Fund offers payments or in-kind support to people in Wales needing urgent help.
Discretionary Housing Payments
Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) are additional payments to help with rent or housing costs. They are only available for people who receive either Housing Benefit or a housing element of Universal Credit.
Other benefits
Find out about statutory welfare benefits for people in different situations.
Benefits appeals and hearings
Information on how to appeal if you do not agree with a decision and what happens at appeal hearings.
Universal Credit migration
Moving to Universal Credit from existing means-tested or 'legacy' benefits.
School Essentials Grant (formerly school uniform grant - PDG access)
Funded by the Welsh Government to assist families on low incomes.
Free school meals
If you are claiming certain benefits you could save money by claiming free school meals for your child.
Housing grants, loans and energy efficiency
There may be financial help available if you are looking to adapt, repair or improve your home, including making it more energy efficient.
Refugee Resettlement Team
Swansea is the second city in the UK to receive City of Sanctuary status and the first Human Rights City in Wales.
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Last modified on 26 September 2022