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Selling to the council: a guide for suppliers

The main purpose of this guide is to provide existing and potential suppliers with guidance and information about the council's procurement processes and help suppliers to increase their chances of bidding for and finding out about council tendering opportunities.

This guide gives current and potential suppliers guidance and information about the council's procurement processes. This will help suppliers to increase their chances of bidding for and finding out about council tendering opportunities.

It will help suppliers and contractors who wish to supply Swansea Council with goods, services or works to:

  • help suppliers understand how the council procures goods and services
  • identify the types of goods and services procured
  • identify where we advertise and place notices
  • outline the processes the council must follow in purchasing goods and services.

As the council buys goods and services using public money, there is a strict requirement to achieve best value. At the same time we must make sure there is openness and fairness among suppliers wishing to sell to us.

To achieve these, all contracts awarded must meet with the rules laid out in the council's constitution (Contract Procedure Rules). They must also meet other key statutory provisions and EU public procurement directives (for example the Public Contract Regulations 2015).

A contract for the provision of services for the public in Wales needs to meet the terms of the council's Welsh language scheme. Any Welsh language requirements will be clearly stated in the contract notices and the tender or quotation documents.

Why do business with Swansea Council?

The council spends on average over £250 million a year on a diverse range of goods, works and services from external organisations.

Finding out about contract opportunities

In order to view current contract opportunities and to respond to the opportunities published by the council you will need to register your organisation on Sell2Wales and eTenderWales.

Does the council use framework agreements?

For certain goods and services the council may carry out framework agreements with a number of suppliers. Under these the council can 'call off' those goods and services at pre-agreed rates, at a suitable time.

Tendering for contracts

The council goes through a number of steps when choosing and appointing a supplier.

Contract management

Suppliers will be monitored to make sure they meet with the performance criteria in the contract.

Tips on tendering

Dos and don'ts to help you if you are tendering for a contract with Swansea Council.
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Last modified on 19 August 2021