Partner Authority Scheme
LABC Partnering gives a company a one-to-one relationship with a local authority of their choice. It allows them to carry out the plan checking of all projects with one building control team.
LABC has more than 2500 successful national partnerships with construction companies and professional advisers. It is a practical approach to getting building regulation approval.
It allows the company to link with their chosen authority for the plans approval of all or some of its projects. This removes inconsistency, uncertainty and delays. The benefits to the client include a single point of contact and a consistent interpretation. Here at Swansea we have dedicated officers for the plan checking process.
Site inspections are carried out by the local authority where the project is. They will carry out any local consultations.
You can register your partnership on the LABC website using their Partner Authority Scheme application form.
For more information please contact Swansea Building Control.
Current partners
The following is a list of companies currently partnered with Swansea Building Control under the scheme:
A.D.I. Designs
A.P. Architecture and Planning Ltd
Andrew Scott Ltd.
Atom Architecture
Bambridge Loft Conversions
Bay Planning
Boyes Rees Architects
Brian Perman
Buckmaster Batcup Architects Ltd
Castell Bach Engineering Ltd
Coastal Housing Association
D.P. Architecture
Dragon 24 LLP
Dragon Home Conversions
Elgin Architecture & Design
First Choice Housing Association Limited
Gillies Henning & Associates
Grŵp Gwalia Cyf
Hurley & Davies
Huw Griffiths Architects
Hyde & Hyde Architects
Interserve Project Services Ltd
i Plan Architecture Ltd
James and Nicholas Engineers and Architects
J A Rewbridge Development
Liberty Properties plc
Moore Interiors (Wales) Ltd
MTH Associates
Pencilmarks (Mark Sheehan Building Consultancy)
Persimmon Homes (Wales) Ltd
SGW Planning
Starki Architectural
Stephen Waldron Architects
Stride Treglown Davies
Swansea Bay University Health Board
Swansea University
Tom Jones Complete Building Services
University of Wales Trinity Saint David - SA1 Project Team
V J Bailey (Port Talbot) Ltd
W Griffiths