Corporate Plan 2018-22
The Corporate Plan describes the council's vision for Swansea, our 6 key council priorities (well-being objectives and improvement objectives) and our organisation values and principles that will underpin the delivery of our priorities and overall strategy.
The Corporate Plan has been refreshed for 2018/22. This follows the production by the Public Service Board (PSB) of its Well-being Plan, a review of progress and an assessment of the evidence, looking at how we can close any gaps and further maximise our contribution to the national goals.
A summary of the Council's well-being statement was updated and incorporated into the refreshed Corporate Plan 2018/22.
Note - the Council is rolling forward its five year Corporate Plan into 2019/20 following a review of our Well-Being Objectives
Our priorities for 2018-22 that are set out within our Corporate Plan are:
- Safeguarding people from harm - so that our citizens are free from harm and exploitation
- Improving Education and Skills - so that every child and young person in Swansea gains the skills and qualifications they need to succeed in life
- Transforming ourEconomy and Infrastructure - so that Swansea has a thriving mixed use City Centre and a local economy that will support the prosperity of our citizens
- Tackling Poverty - so that every person in Swansea can achieve his or her potential
- Maintaining and enhancing Swansea's natural resources and biodiversity - so that we maintain and enhance biodiversity, reduce our carbon footprint, improve our knowledge and understanding of our natural environment and benefit health and well-being
- Transformation and Future Council development - so that we and the services that we provide are sustainable and fit for the future.
This discharges our duties under the Well-Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 and Local Government Measure (Wales) 2009 to set Well-being Objectives and Improvement Objectives.
Our priorities show the council's contribution to Wales' 7 national goals described within the Well-Being of Future Generations Act (the 'Act') and describes how we will maximise this contribution to the national goals and to the social, cultural, environmental and economic well-being of Swansea by working in line with the sustainability principles set out within the Act.