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Performance archive

Various performance information that has been published in previous years.

Corporate Plan 2022-23

The corporate plan describes the council's vision for Swansea, our 6 key council priorities (well-being objectives and improvement objectives) and our organisation values and principles that will underpin the delivery of our priorities and overall strategy.

Corporate Plan 2020-22

The corporate plan describes the council's vision for Swansea, our 6 key council priorities (well-being objectives and improvement objectives) and our organisation values and principles that will underpin the delivery of our priorities and overall strategy.

Corporate Plan 2018-22

The Corporate Plan describes the council's vision for Swansea, our 6 key council priorities (well-being objectives and improvement objectives) and our organisation values and principles that will underpin the delivery of our priorities and overall strategy.

Corporate Plan 2017-22

Our priorities were set out within our Well-being Statement, which was published before 31 March 2017 prior to the local government elections in May 2017.

Corporate Plan 2016-17

The delivery of each improvement objective is evidenced through a number of performance measures.

Corporate Improvement Plan 2015-17

The delivery of each improvement objective is evidenced through a number of performance measures.

Corporate improvement plan 2013-17

The Welsh Government requires all councils to publish their plans for improving what they do and how they do it. The purpose of this plan is to set out the councils key priorities for improvement over the next 4 years; these are known as 'improvement objectives'.

Corporate improvement plan 2014-17

The delivery of each improvement objective is evidenced through a number of performance measures.

Corporate improvement plan overview 14-15 update

The delivery of each improvement objective is evidenced through a number of performance measures.

Ambition and vision for Swansea

The council and its partners through the Local Service Board have a shared ambition and vision for Swansea.

Challenges and commitments

The Local Service Board has identified the following challenges as the most important things to focus on through its one Swansea plan in order to make progress towards the population outcomes.

Equalities plan 2012-16

In line with the Equality Act 2010 and new Public Sector Equality Duty for Wales, all public authorities must produce a strategic equality plan containing set equality objectives.

Improvement plan consultation in 2013

Key messages which summarise the findings from the consultation.

Best value-improvement plans

Previous best value-improvement plans.

Annual performance reviews

Previous annual performance reviews.
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Last modified on 30 March 2023