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Measure your carbon footprint

Measure your carbon footprint to see if you are on track for the UK's target of 10.5 tonnes per head per year - that's an equivalent to charging 1,158,700 smart phones.

The overall carbon footprint of the UK shows that residential properties contribute 15% of emissions.

When looking exclusively at Wales the percentage of residential contributions to the carbon footprint is 9.6%. This is because there are fewer people living in Wales and the UK percentage is the average for all 4 home nations.

Follow this link to WWF website to see how big your environmental impact is.

A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases that are generated by our actions. The average carbon footprint for a household in UK is 12.6 tonnes. To have the best chance of avoiding 2 degree C rise in global temperatures, the average carbon footprint per year needs to drop under 2 tonnes by 2050. 


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