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Bus tickets and operators

Buying tickets and bus operators.

First Cymru

Tickets can be purchased on any local First Bus Service or alternatively, seasonal and weekly tickets can be purchased online at First Cymru (opens new window).

National Express

Tickets can be purchased online using the simple journey planner on the National Express homepage (opens new window).

If you prefer to book over the phone, National Express is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 08717 818 178 (0044 8717 818 178 from overseas). Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras.


Other service operators departing from Swansea Bus Station

DANSA community transport organisation (opens new window) - 01639 751067

UK Megabus (opens new window)

New Adventure Travel (NAT) (opens new window) - 02920 442040

South Wales Transport Neath (opens new window) - 01792 799575

Stagecoach (opens new window)


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Last modified on 27 July 2021