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Archive Collections

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Archive Collections
Welcome to the West Glamorgan Archive Service online catalogue. It contains over 230,000 entries describing items in our collections, and includes archive documents, recordings in our screen and sound archive, and books and articles in our searchroom library.

Our usual online catalogue is not working at the moment: we are working to fix the fault, and we apologise for the inconvenience. In the meantime, all our catalogues are also available on the Archives Hub. This is a collaborative catalogue that covers a number of UK archive services. To use it, enter your search term, then look along the left hand side and filter by holding repository: our records will be listed under "West Glamorgan Archive Service".

Search the catalogue

Before you begin, here are some links to help you find out how the catalogue works and how to get the most out of searching it:

Other resources on our website

External resources

  • Was your ancestor a Swansea mariner? Try the Swansea Mariners website. You can search for Swansea registered ships and the people who sailed them. We hold the original records.
  • You can find all sorts of things in old newspapers. Try Welsh Newspapers Online for all the Welsh papers up to 1919.

Found what you wanted? Find out where you can see it:

Want to know more?

Using the catalogue

How to get the best out of searching the catalogues.

Archive collection FAQs

Information about the catalogue and how to use it.

Terms used in the archive catalogue

An explanation of some of the terms used in our online catalogue.

West Glamorgan Screen and Sound Archive

Our film and sound recording collections housed at the Civic Centre, Swansea

Index of place names in the West Glamorgan Archives

Have you come across a name of a farm or locality and can't find it on a modern map? This index is designed to help you find where it was.

Parish registers at West Glamorgan Archives

Are you looking to find where your ancestors might have been baptised, married or buried? Here is a list of all the parish registers we hold.
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Last modified on 15 March 2024