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Abandoned vehicles frequently asked questions

Find out answers to the most common questions we get asked about abandoned vehicles.

What is an abandoned vehicle?

A vehicle may be treated as abandoned if it has been left in an area for a period of time or has no registered keeper. It may not be taxed and may also be in a dangerous condition.

You can check to see if a vehicle is taxed and has an MOT on vehicle tax (opens new window)

What can I do to help?

  • Never touch or enter an abandoned vehicle. It may have been involved in crime and may require further police investigation.
  • Many abandoned vehicles pose a risk to public health and safety, they may contain hazardous waste materials and can often pose a fire risk.
  • Never approach a burning vehicle, or touch a burnt out vehicle. Burnt paint, rubber and other materials may be toxic, corrosive and harmful to the skin.
  • Remember, if you see a vehicle on fire, call the fire service immediately.
  • If the vehicle is already burnt out contact Swansea Council using our Report an abandoned vehicle online form.

What do I need to do to report a vehicle?

You should collect the following information when reporting an abandoned vehicle:

  • Vehicle make, model and colour
  • Vehicle registration number
  • Condition of the vehicle (detailing any vandalism)
  • Exact location of the vehicle
  • How long the vehicle has been abandoned
  • Any other information, for example who the owner or user may be.

You should then report the vehicle on our Report an abandoned vehicle online form. If you prefer you can phone us on 01792 636819.

What is the abandoned vehicles removal service offered by the council?

The council provides a free collection and disposal for vehicles which are at the end of their useful life.

It is the responsibility of the local authority to remove any vehicle found to be abandoned in the open air, or on any part of the highway. Such abandoned vehicles are not only unsightly, but can be dangerous especially to children who see them as an area to play.

All scrapped vehicles are required to be de-polluted before destruction and for a certain percentage of materials to be recovered for recycling or reuse.  The removal of such vehicles is designed to improve residents' quality of life by ending the environmental blight caused by nuisance vehicles.

What do we do to help?

  • All abandoned vehicles will be inspected within 24 hours of receiving the report, this is monitored and analysed on a regular basis.
  • Swansea Council may use its DVLA devolved powers to remove any untaxed vehicle found to be on the adopted highway.
  • Vehicles found to be of no value or in such condition that it poses a danger to the public, may be removed immediately.
  • Abandoned vehicles on private land are subject to a 15 day notice period usually after consulting with the land owner or agent.
  • Swansea Council also have the powers to recover any costs resulting out of the removal of such vehicles.

Swansea Council Abandoned Vehicles team work in partnership with South Wales Police and the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Arson Reduction team.

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Last modified on 17 June 2021