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Pupils discuss rights for World Children's Day

Primary and secondary pupils in Swansea have been taking part in a special event today to celebrate World Children's Day.

World Children's Day 2022

World Children's Day 2022

They gathered at the city's Waterfront Museum to join in a series of workshops and to hear about progress on priorities they set as part of Swansea's Children's Rights Scheme and the Secondary School Pupil Voice PLC Manifesto. 

In 2014 Swansea Council made a commitment to make sure that the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is considered when decisions affecting them are made.

This means that children and young people are given a voice on all issues in Swansea that affect their lives and their views are sought on all council decisions that impact on them.

Cabinet Member for Education and Learning, Robert Smith, said: "Today was a chance for pupils to talk with council officers, our partners and other services about their priorities and how we can further improve what we do.

"I was very impressed with their constructive ideas and it has certainly given us lots to consider."

Cabinet Member for Community Support Hayley Gwilliam added: "These events are so important and I'd like to thank everyone who took part and made it such an enjoyable and productive day.

"In Swansea we are working to become a Human Rights City and days like to today, work we are already doing with children and young people, is very much a part of this."

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Last modified on 21 November 2022