November 2022 press releases

Skyline project moves a step closer with site investigation
Site investigation works are underway at Kilvey Hill as plans for a major new outdoor leisure destination gather pace.

His Dark Materials set to light up city gallery
Swansea Council's Glynn Vivian Art Gallery is about to launch a world exclusive exhibition.

International consortium on board to deliver renewable energy project
An international consortium of big-hitting companies is on board to help deliver a major renewable energy project in Swansea.

Community groups in Swansea open their doors this winter
More than 30 community organisations in Swansea have now been added to a directory highlighting safe, warm and welcoming places where people can go to during the winter.

Nominate your childcare heroes for awards
Parents, carers, grandparents and the wider Swansea community are being urged to show their appreciation for the city's highly skilled childcare and play workforce.

Your views needed on work to improve well-being
People across Swansea are being asked how they think organisations can best work together to improve the well-being of the city in the next five years.

Swansea's much loved Christmas Market is now open, helping visitors to the city centre get in the Christmas mood.
Plenty of traders are displaying their wares and offer all sorts of food, drinks and gifts.

Swansea business using a shopping trolley to store waste fined
A popular city centre restaurant in Swansea has been fined for failing to dispose of its commercial waste properly.

Pensioners missing out on vital support
Many pensioners in Swansea are still missing out on extra money they are entitled to.

Emilia, aged 10, wins national fostering award
A 10-year-old girl from Swansea who has grown-up welcoming children into her family home has won a top national award.

Martin Nicholls appointed Chief Executive
Swansea Council has appointed a new Chief Executive.

Community groups supply festive fun for heritage event
Community groups from around Morriston are set to take part in a Victorian-themed Christmas event this weekend.
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Last modified on 24 February 2023