Matrix One, 1 Matrix Park, Swansea Enterprise Park
TO LET: Offices providing a mixture of open-plan and cellular accommodation. The accommodation can be split to provide suites from 7,000 sq ft.

Property ID: 38
Address: Matrix One, 1 Matrix Park, Swansea Enterprise Park, SA6 8RE
Tenure: To let
Agent(s): Dawsons: contact Matthew Morgan, telephone 02920 378844
Size: 28,253 sq ft / 2,625 sq m
Rental price: Contact agent
Matrix One is situated in the heart of the Swansea Business Park. The unit offers superb open plan, modern accommodation within easy access of both Swansea City Centre and the M4.
The space is customisable with suspended ceilings and fully raised floors being accessible. The space has recently been redecorated to an excellent standard. There are in total 116 car parking spaces including 8 disabled spaces and 5 bike racks.