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The role and composition of SACRE

The purpose of a SACRE is to advise the local authority (LA) on matters related to religious education and collective worship in state maintained schools.

Composition of SACRE

The local authority is responsible for the composition of SACRE.

SACRE is made up of three groups:

  1. Representatives of Christian denominations and other religions to reflect broadly the proportionate strength of that denomination or religion in the area.
  2. Associations representing teachers.
  3. Local authority representatives.

SACRE may co-opt additional non-voting members in accordance with the constitution.

The role of a SACRE

Advise the local authority about religious education and collective worship.

  • meet and monitor statutory requirements
  • how the agreed syllabus for religious education is best delivered
  • methods of teaching
  • resources to be used
  • training of teachers.

To require the local authority to review its agreed syllabus for religious education.

  • legal requirement for every local authority to review its agreed syllabus within five years of the last review
  • any agreed syllabus 'shall reflect the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian whilst taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religions represented in Great Britain'.

To consider applications from school for determinations

  • determinations are requests to be exempt from 'broadly Christian worship'.

To consider complaints about the provision and delivery of religious education and collective worship

  • to play a part in the local statutory complaints procedure where cases are referred to SACRE by the local authority.

To publish an annual report on its work

  • this is to be submitted to DfES in Welsh Government by 31 December of each year.

The responsibilities of the local authority in respect of SACRE

  • establish and fund a SACRE
  • appoint members to SACRE and the Agreed Syllabus Conference
  • determine and provide the advice and support required by SACRE
  • inform SACRE on matters relating to religious education and collective worship
  • provide information on school inspection and/or self-evaluation reports
  • respond to advice offered by SACRE
  • constitute and facilitate an agreed syllabus conference when required by SACRE
  • notify the Minister for Education when a new syllabus is agreed
  • consider curriculum complaints on religious education and collective worship.


SACRE (Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education)

WASACRE (Wales Association of SACREs)

DfES (Department for Education and Skills)

Estyn (The Schools Inspection Service for Wales)

NAPfRE (National Advisory Panel for Religious Education)

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Last modified on 08 November 2022