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Bank holiday information - May

Bank holiday information for our services, including opening times and emergency contacts. All recycling collections will take place on the usual days.

Frequently asked questions about stray horses

Find out answers to the most common questions we get asked about horses.

Note: some figures are approximate.

How many complaints about horses were received in relation to the Control of Horses (Wales) Act 2014?

2022/23 - 52
2021/22 - 77
2020/21 - 153
2019/20 - 227
2018/19 - 198

Number of stray horses
Re-homed2 (charity)6141762

How much has the council paid in seizing, impounding, feeding and maintaining horses; in relation to Control of Horses (Wales) Act 2014?

2022/23 - Approx £23,000 (inclusive of salaries and on costs)
2021/22 - Approx £20,000 (inclusive of salaries and on costs)
2020/21 - Approx £62,500 (inclusive of salaries and on costs)
2019/20 - Approx £60,000 (inclusive of salaries and on costs)
2018/19 - Approx £55,000 (inclusive of salaries and on costs)

How much of this money has been recouped?

2022/23 - Approx £569
2021/22 - Approx £400
2020/21 - Approx £2,600
2019/20 - Approx £2,200 
2018/19 - Approx £1,900

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