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Scrutiny is about asking questions which get to the heart of a matter. This means getting to the important part of the situation or problem.

Scrutiny is led by locally elected councillors. In Swansea Council there are 75 councillors.

A small number of these Councillors are Cabinet Members. They are the main decision and policy makers for the Council. Each Cabinet Member has a different portfolio of services within the council that they are responsible for.

The rest of the Councillors all have the chance to be a part of Scrutiny. Their role within Scrutiny is to hold the Cabinet Members to account, to be the voice of the public and to help drive improvement of the council's services. Councillors who take part in Scrutiny are known as Scrutiny Councillors.

There is also a team of Scrutiny Officers who are council staff who give advice and support.

What is the scrutiny process?

The overall work of Scrutiny in Swansea is organised by the council's Scrutiny Programme Committee. They organise and manage what Scrutiny will look at each year.

What is scrutiny working on now?

How to keep up to date with what scrutiny are working on now and for the year ahead.

Are you looking for an agenda, letter or report?

This link will take you to our councillor, meetings and agendas website. All of the agendas and reports for meetings and committees are available on this page including all Scrutiny committees.

Would you like to raise an issue for scrutiny?

Everyone who lives or works in our city and county can make a request for Scrutiny to look at matters that are of local concern.

Do you have a question for a Cabinet Member?

Scrutiny holds regular question and answer sessions with Cabinet Members.
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