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How to pay your commercial waste and recycling invoices

If you decide to use the council services there are a number of ways you can pay your invoice.

You will normally receive a 6 monthly invoice in April and October for the service provided, payable in advance for the following six months. The invoice can be paid in full (details on reverse of the invoice) or you can request to pay by Direct Debit spreading the cost of each invoice over 5 months. If you complete a Direct Debit mandate please send the original version to the address on the DD, we cannot accept scanned or photocopies. If you take up a service between our normal invoice dates you will receive an interim invoice payable in full.

Whichever way you pay please ensure your 8 digit invoice number is quoted otherwise monies cannot be allocated to the correct account.

Pay by Direct Debit

You can pay monthly for most of our general waste collection services by Direct Debit. This needs to be set up as soon as you receive your invoice or before we are due to invoice for existing customers.

To request a Direct Debit form telephone the council's accounts section on 01792 636098. When you receive the form complete your details and return it to the address on the form as soon as possible.

Please note, Direct Debit is not available for glass and can recycling invoices. This is invoiced separately to the trade waste.

To pay online

The online payment facility allows you to make payments directly and securely to the council 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You can pay by debit or credit card. 

Make a payment online (opens new window)

When making a payment you will be transferred to the Civica secure payments website. You should select the option to pay Council Invoices.

To pay using internet banking or BACS

You can pay your bill straight into the council's bank account, but please remember to quote your reference/account number so we can allocate your payment to your account:

Lloyds Bank PLC, 802 Oxford Street, Swansea, SA1 3AF.

Sort code 30-00-00
Account number 00283290

For CHAPS, IBAN, BIC OR DUNS details please contact accounts receivable on 01792 635847 or email

To pay by automated telephone

The local rate telephone number is 0300 456 2765 and you should have your account/reference number to hand, along with your chosen method of payment, which may be a debit or a credit card. You should select the Council Invoices option.


Please note commercial office cannot take payments.

Failure to pay after 28 days will generate a reminder notice - 14 days after that will generate a termination notice where you have 7 days to pay or services will cease and bins will be removed. If a customer is placed on stop for non-payment and the bin removed the council will not recommence collection for a minimum period of 12 months, businesses will need to find alternative arrangements for their waste services.

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Last modified on 16 May 2023