Langland beach huts terms and conditions
Any infringement of these terms and conditions may result in the remainder of the hirer's booking being cancelled without refund of any part of the hire charge.
1. All applications for huts should be made online. The huts are owned by Swansea Council, Cultural Services, Guildhall, Swansea, SA1 4PE.
2. The charges made for the use of the huts are in accordance with those from time to time prescribed by the Council. All charges must be paid to Swansea Council, Cultural Services, upon allocation of hut. Receipts will be provided as receipt of payment.
3. The licence of a hut starts and finishes as follows:
- 30 March 2024 - 27 March 2025 (12 months) - rent £2,099
- 30 March 2024 - 31 January 2025 (10 months) - rent £1,799
- 30 March 2024 - 28 June 2024 (3 months) - rent £620
- 1 July 2024 - 28 September 2024 (3 months) - rent £620
- 1 October 2024 - 31 January 2025 (4 months) - rent £425
- 1 October 2024 - 27 March 2025 (6 months) - rent £620
The morning of your letting period you will receive an email with a code for a combination lock to access your beach hut. This code is specific to your hut and cannot be used to access any other hut. Please do not change the code or remove the lock. Should you have any problems in accessing your beach hut you can contact Swansea council on; 07970 322797 / 07900 702794 or email
At the end of your letting period please ensure that your hut us left empty and clean and the combination lock is placed back on the door.
4. The huts are for day use only and the licensees shall not use or permit any person to use any hut at night.
5. The holder of a licence is not permitted to transfer, assign or sub-let the licence or the user of the hut comprised therein to any other person. No person shall be granted a licence for or be entitled to use more than one hut.
6. All huts shall be used only in accordance with the directions of the Strategic Manager Leisure, Partnerships, Health and Well Being acting upon the instructions of the Council and the Council reserve the right either directly or indirectly, or by their duly authorised official to vary these regulations.
7. The Bylaws relating to bathing and for regulating the beach and foreshore must be observed. When bathing, any instructions or directions of the RNLI Lifeguards must be complied with, and in no circumstances is bathing permitted when the RNLI's danger flag is flying or in contravention of the instructions of an authorised beach attendant.
8. Licensees or other persons using huts shall not deposit, or allow to accumulate any rubbish or litter in the neighbourhood of their huts, and shall use all reasonable means of keeping the huts and the immediate neighbourhood of the same clean and tidy. Such persons shall also conduct themselves so as not to be a nuisance or annoyance to the occupiers of adjoining huts.
9. Flags or other attachments shall not be exhibited or made, and no wording, sign or mark written on the huts without the permission of the Council.
10. Licensees are cautioned against leaving articles of value in the huts, but in any event the Council shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to good or articles of any description in or about the huts or for injury to persons while using the same.
11. The licensees shall be responsible for any damage to the huts occasioned by the licensees or by persons using the same with their permission. Such damage shall be made good by the Council and the cost or expense thereof recovered from the responsible licensee.
12. Upon vacating the huts at the end of the letting, licensees shall remove all articles and goods therein belonging to them and shall leave the huts in a clean and tidy condition. Failure to comply will incur penalty charges as determined by the Council.
13. The holder of a licence is not permitted to use artificial lighting, heater, primus or other oil, spirit or gas stove or lamp. Furniture and fittings of a highly flammable nature, such as chair coverings are prohibited. Fireworks are prohibited and smoking is not allowed in any hut. The use of BBQs is prohibited. No BBQ is to be lit within the hut, the porch or the footpath adjacent to the huts. Any persons found using a BBQ will face immediate eviction
14. The Council reserves the right for their agent at all reasonable times to enter into the huts to view the state and condition thereof and carry out any necessary repairs.
15. The Council may, at any time, without giving any reason, terminate any licence, and on so doing shall return to the licensee the proportion (if any) of the charges paid in respect of any unexpired term; provided that, if the reason for the termination of any licence is an infringement of any of these Regulations, no proportion of the charges paid shall be returnable.
16. This booking is not transferable to any other person except at the discretion of the Council. This request must be made to Swansea Council, Cultural Services by ringing 07970 322797 or 07900 702794 or email
17. After a booking has been paid for there will be no refunds for cancellation.
18. Car parking fees are not included in the hut rental fee. These must be paid in accordance with the tariffs on display.
19. The Council reserves the right to transfer the hirer to another beach hut.
20. The hirer must be considerate of neighbouring beach hut tenants regarding space outside beach huts, music and noise and shall not cause or permit a nuisance in or around the beach hut which shall cause annoyance, inconvenience or disturbance to occupiers of neighbouring huts or to the public.