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Our Collaboration Station is up and running

There was a great turnout for the launch of a new hub offering advice, support, guidance and networking opportunities.

collaboration station launch day

Swansea Council has teamed up with the National Waterfront Museum to create the Collaboration Station at the museum.

It will be open weekdays and is the new home of the council's Community Engagement Team.

Other organisations are planning to use the space for weekly or occasional drop-in sessions - for example the police community safety team will be there on Thursday's from 11am.

And on the first Monday of each month there will be a large drop-in event with partners covering areas such as health, well-being, employment, poverty and housing.

Other organisations will be there to support and also promote activities they run for a diverse range of communities.

The first one was held this week and more than 20 partners came together for the event that also saw a good turn-out from residents.

Swansea Council's Cabinet Member for Community Support, Hayley Gwilliam, said: "The Collaboration Station is the new base for our Community Engagement Team who are behind the many different free and subsidised events taking place in Swansea as part of our Ageing Well work and the work we do with other communities and partners.

Zoe Gealy, Engagement co-ordinator at National Museums Wales, said: "We are delighted to be working so closely with the council's Community Engagement team since they have developed the Collaboration Station within the museum."

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Last modified on 02 October 2023