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Apply for a caravan or camp site licence online

You can use this form to apply for a caravan or camp site licence. There is no fee to pay for this licence.

As part of the form you will need to provide the Ordnance Survey (OS) map reference for the site location. This will start with an SS or SN for locations across the county eg SS551892. You can search for your location on the OS Maps website (opens new window).

You will also need to upload a copy of a scaled layout plan of the site. The plan should show the boundaries of the site, the position of the caravan standings and/ or tent pitches and all the facilities detailed (distinguishing between existing and proposed facilities). Please make sure you have this plan saved on your computer or mobile device before you start completing this form.

If the site has planning permission you will need to know the planning reference number.

This form is available in Welsh - click on 'Cymraeg' in the top right corner of your screen.

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Last modified on 16 January 2025