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Adaptations to your home

Information about how to make large or smaller adaptations to your home to help you maintain your independence.

Disabled facilities grant

You can apply if you own your home or if you rent it from the council, a housing association or a private landlord. To qualify for the grant an occupational therapist will have to carry out an assessment of your needs and see what work is appropriate. The grants are means-tested and, depending on your financial circumstances, you may have to make a contribution to the work.

There is more information on the following page: Grants and loans for making home adaptations.

Smaller adaptations

For smaller adaptations, Western Bay Care and Repair offer advice and assistance for elderly or disabled owner-occupiers. They also administer the Welsh Government funded 'rapid response adaptations programme' which helps people to return home after being discharged from hospital, or to prevent admission to hospital or residential care.

Applying for an adapted home

If you need to move home because of your disability, the ADAPT project is a partnership of local housing providers in Swansea and simplifies the process of applying for an adapted home.

Specialist equipment

If you don't need physical adaptations to your home, but would benefit from specialist equipment to make life easier, there are some suggestions about who can help on our disability aids and equipment page.

Grants and loans for making home adaptations

We can help elderly and disabled people to adapt their homes to better suit their needs.

Care and Repair Western Bay

Care and Repair aims to relieve the needs of people in the locality who are disadvantages by reason of health, ill-age or disability, by the provision of support, assistance, facilities, amenities and services to such people in respect of their housing.


ADAPT assists disabled people to find suitably adapted accommodation.

Disability aids and equipment

There is a wide variety of aids and equipment that can make life easier for people with a disability or health condition, or those who are just finding it more difficult to get around.
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Last modified on 12 July 2021