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Board seeks views on well-being in Swansea

Residents of all ages across Swansea are being asked for their views on the quality of life and well-being in the city.

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swansea from the air1

Last autumn Swansea's Public Services Board asked people to take part in a survey that will help shape its priorities and the vital services its partners deliver.

It has now published a draft Assessment of Local Well-being as part of the process of setting objectives and is again seeking people's views so that it reflects what matters most to them.

To view the draft and have your say visit: 

The board is made up of a range of public service partners that include Swansea Council, Natural Resources Wales, Swansea Bay University Health Board, the Mid & West Wales Fire and Rescue Service and others.

Cllr Andrea Lewis, who chairs the board, said: "This draft assessment looks at a number of different aspects of social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being in Swansea.

"We hope people will have a look at our consultation draft and we are really keen to get their feedback.

"We know that this draft requires further work in places and that there are gaps; but the information residents provide will help us to produce an improved version of this assessment, which we aim to publish by May.

"The aim of all the partners is to make Swansea a better place for people and for the planet, both now and in the future, but to help us to do this we need a balanced understanding of quality of life in Swansea and how we can improve it."

The consultation runs until Friday March 18.

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Last modified on 22 February 2022