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Shaw's Community Woodland

Shaw's Wood was a Victorian Tree Nursery and Market Garden (1870-1918) created by Yorkshiremen, brothers, John and William Shaw.

Shaw's woodland landscape image

They employed 20 ladies in the glasshouses to cultivate the plants, shrubs and trees. The nursery supplied plants for all large estates in the area. In October 1878, Mr John Dillwyn Llewelyn of Penllergare at the opening of the first public park in Swansea, Parc Llewelyn, spoke highly of the contribution to the landscaping that Messrs J & W Shaw had made.

Sadly the Nursery closed at the end of WW1, but many of the specialist trees remain. In this small woodland, tucked between the residential estates in Gowerton, are 7 Giant Redwoods, Monterey Cypresses, Great Western Cedars, London Plane, Norwegian Acers, Deodar, Himalayan Pines. A row of Scots Pines edge the woodland. Add to that the natural British trees that have seeded in, the Silver Birch, Oaks, Sycamore, Grey poplar, Holly, Yew, Ash and Rhododendron. A home to the birds and bats etc. in spring the daffodils and bluebells line the paths. Some bramble remains for bird life.

The original drive and other earth paths in the Woods have been used for over 100 years by the local people as a short cut to school, to the local shops and to walk the dogs.


Earth/woodchip paths, directional and enviromental signs. Iron entrance gate. Bins.


The Friends of Gowerton Woodlands (opens new window) work to maintain accessibility, but sometimes in the winter months areas are a little boggy, which will be addressed long term. On side accesses, entrance barriers to prevent motor transport.

Access information

The main entrance is through an iron gate off Bryn Y Mor Road which is signposted. The other access points are via small lanes from the adjoining residential estates at Clos Bevan, William Bowen Close and Roper Wright Close.

The main address would be the gated entrance off Bryn Y Mor Road, Gowerton, SA4 where there is parking on the road.

Postcode - SA4

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