Ward profiles
Profiles of each of Swansea's 32 electoral wards are available.
The ward profiles bring together a range of key statistical and other information about each electoral ward in Swansea. They draw upon a wide array of data sources, and their standardised layout enables the quick and easy comparison of areas, and the identification of patterns and variations.
Following the local government elections on 5 May 2022, some of the ward boundaries in Swansea have changed. The profiles on this page reflect the new electoral wards. Further information on the recent changes is available at Ward maps - Swansea.
The latest ward profiles (December 2024) incorporate a range of information, including:
- Ward election results, May 2022, including the councillors elected in each ward.
- Location, boundary maps and adjacent wards.
- Summary of local ward changes following the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales (LDBCW) Electoral Review in Swansea prior to May 2022.
- Ward-level population, land area and population density (mid 2022 estimates, published 25 November 2024).
- Employees (2023 workplace estimates, where available) and major employers in the ward.
- Aerial photography extracts showing ward features, facilities and localities.
- Contextual information about the key characteristics and development of each ward.
These profiles also include initial local statistics from the 2021 Census for wards, which were published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in early 2023. Summary Census data for each area is included for the following topics:
- population characteristics: country of birth, ethnic group, ability to speak Welsh, general health, disability, qualifications
- household composition and size
- accommodation type
- housing tenure
- economic activity status.
The profiles also include the most recent (2019) local rankings from the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (Welsh Government), on a 'best fit' LSOA (2011) base.
An equivalent profile of the City and County of Swansea - replicating the format used in the ward profiles where possible - is also included on this page. Similar profiles of the three local Senedd Cymru Constituency Areas in Swansea are also available at Constituency area profiles - Swansea.
Some regular statistical outputs from ONS and other sources are not yet generally published on the basis of the new wards. Therefore, some aspects of the profiles are currently more limited in scope than previously. We intend that the ward profile content will be developed and expanded over time as more local information and statistical data becomes available.
We are regularly looking at ways to develop and improve the ward profiles, so would welcome any feedback or suggestions.
The use of Ordnance Survey data within the documents on this web page is subject to terms and conditions.