Report treasure
If you find an object which you think may be historic or valuable ('treasure') in the Swansea or Neath Port Talbot council areas then you must report it to the local coroner as soon as possible.
You must report treasure within either:
- 14 days of first finding it, or
- 14 days of realising an item might be treasure, even if you've had it for longer
Be aware - there is an unlimited fine or up to 3 months in prison for NOT reporting treasure
Report treasure direct to the coroner
- Email:
- Telephone: 01792 636237
The coroner will refer the object to Museum Wales to be analysed and a report of the find will subsequently be provided which will confirm whether or not the object should be deemed as 'treasure'.
If the museum advises the coroner that the object should be classed as 'treasure' then the coroner will hold a short inquest to formally conclude the same.
Report treasure to the coroner via Museum Wales
You can get help reporting treasure by contacting the curators at Museum Wales:
- Email:
The Treasure (Designation) (Amendment) Order 2023
From 30 July 2023
The Museum of Wales will analyse finds to determine whether they are classed as Treasure under the Act. Objects have to be over 200 years old - regardless of the type of metal of which they are made - so long as they provide an important insight into the country's heritage. This includes rare objects, those which provide a special insight into a particular person or event, or those which can shed new light on important regional histories.
More information
For more information including:
- checking whether what you have found is treasure
- reporting treasure
- what happens after you have reported treasure
visit Report treasure (GOV.UK) (opens new window)
Reporting treasure found outside of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot
You must report treasure to the local coroner of the council or local authority area in which you find it: Search for a coroner (The Coroners' Society of England and Wales) (opens new window)
Any treasure found within Wales can also be reported via Museum Wales (details above).