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Transport and highways plans and policies

Strategies, plans and policies for transport and highways.

Highways works programme 2020-2025

We are responsible for maintaining the 1091 km (676 miles) of carriageways and footways of adopted highways within its boundaries, ensuring all highway maintenance and managerial issues are dealt with effectively.

Fabian Way Corridor transport assessment

The Fabian Way Corridor is scheduled to experience significant development in the next 25 years, generating increased travel demand.

Local transport plan

The Joint Local Transport Plan for South West Wales (2015 - 2020) is the statutory policy which determines the strategy and programme for transportation and transport infrastructure within our City and County.

Bus and rail strategies

These reports provide the policy and strategies for bus and rail travel within the City and County of Swansea and South West Wales.

Regional transport plan

The regional transport plan sets out a long term strategy for improving access to, from and within south west Wales.

Pavements are for People Policy

This policy sets out how we will design, manage and maintain our pathways to make sure they are safe for all users.

Parking services annual reports

Please find copies of parking services annual reports and links to the statement of accounts for car parks annual income and expenditure.

Winter service policy

This policy states our approach for the highways winter maintenance service.

Active travel

Active travel is a term for making journeys by physically active means, like walking or cycling. We want to improve and promote active travel for the benefit of everyone.

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Last modified on 21 October 2022