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Let's keep Swansea tidy this Bank Holiday

SWANSEA Council is urging dog owners to do the right thing and put their pet's poop in the bin or take it home this Bank Holiday weekend.

litter bin collection

Signs encouraging dog owners to use standard litter bins to dispose of their dog's waste as well as dog poo bins have been posted on litter bins around city parks, beaches and elsewhere.

Martin Nicholls, Swansea Council's Director of Place, said the move was in response to rising concerns about dog poo being left either on the pavement or bagged-up near bins.

Mr Nicholls said: "With the generally-improving weather and the May Bank Holiday ahead of us, more people will be out and about with their pets.

"While our parks and anti-littering teams will be playing their part to keep parks, beaches and other busy locations free from dog fouling and litter, we'd urge everyone needs to play their part.

"Last year our eye-catching 'Don't Be A Tosser' campaign helped raise the profile of littering and dog fouling and lots of people responded positively to it.

"If you're heading out and about this weekend, please plan to take your picnic and other litter waste home with you, particularly if the bins are full.

Likewise, if you're a dog owner and the dog waste bin or litter bin is full, please dispose of your pet's waste in the black bag waste at home."

The council spends around £2m a year keeping communities clean and tidy, visiting litter and waste bins regularly, especially in hotspot areas in parks, beaches and other areas.


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Last modified on 26 April 2022