Frequently asked questions about taxi licensing
Find out answers to the most common questions we get asked about taxi licensing.
How many taxi licences has the council issued this year? (accurate - May 2024)
We issue dual licence/badges on a daily basis and therefore the approximate total number of drivers currently licensed are 1,511. All figures are approximate:
- Hackney carriage vehicles - 358
- Private hire vehicles - 639
- Private hire operators - 49
- Dual badge drivers - 1,037
Number of wheelchair accessible taxis | Total number of taxis | Percentage that are wheelchair accessible | |
Hackney carriages | 255 | 358 | 71% |
Private hire | 12 | 639 | 2% |
Does the council share/validate any of the information supplied as part of this process with external parties other than the applicant?
Information supplied as part of the application process may be verified with the Home Office where necessary. The information may be shared with other agencies and as part of Freedom of Information requests where applicable.
How is the application information stored (and for how long) once an application is processed?
Licence application information is stored both electronically and paper based and it is usually kept for 7 years after the closure of an application. However depending on the application received details can be kept for a period of 25 years. If you require further information please contact us.
How much money the council has received from taxi drivers?
The public accounts for taxi licensing for various financial years can be found on the Statement of Accounts page.