Have your say on how Swansea Council works and sets priorities
Have you ever wanted to have a chance to tell the council what its priorities should be in the coming years? Or share your views with us about what we do well or could do better? Then please take the chance now and join in with our survey.
We're doing the survey to find out more about what people think of what we do, what we do and the way we do it.
A new law was passed in 2021- the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act. This changes the way councils in Wales measure and improve their performance. It means we will constantly review and self improve on how every aspect of the Council works together as an organisation.
The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act requires Swansea Council to set well-being objectives (Read about them in our last Corporate Plan 2017-2022 ) We now need to review and refresh our well-being objectives to prioritise the steps of our Corporate Plan for 2022.
If you want to share your views with us, it is easy and quick to do. You can find out more information here www.swansea.gov.uk/lgesurvey and if you want the survey in a different format please contact us here: improvement@swansea.gov.uk
The deadline for you to tell us what you think in this survey is: 11.59pm Thursday, 3rd March 2022.