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Frequently asked questions about stray dogs

Find out answers to the most common questions we get asked about stray dogs.

Note: some figures are approximate.

How many stray/sick dogs have you seized?

2023/24 - 394
2022/23 - 214
2021/22 - 290
2020/21 - 206
2019/20 - 505

How many dogs have you returned to their original owners? (includes returned to owner without impounding plus those impounded and subsequently claimed by owner)

2023/24 - 101
2022/23 - 141
2021/22 - 89
2020/21 - 78
2019/20 - 157

How many dogs have you rehomed with a new owner?

2023/24 - 69
2022/23 - 9
2021/22 - 2
2020/21 - 3
2019/20 - 11

How many dogs have you rehomed via a charity agency?

2023/24 - 61
2022/23 - 58
2021/22 - 22
2020/21 - 34
2019/20 - 100

How many dogs have you had to put to sleep/dispose of?

2023/24 - 5
2022/23 - 6
2021/22 - 0
2020/21 - 0
2019/20 - 0

What reasons would you have to put a dog to sleep?

Dogs are only euthanised on veterinary advice on health or behavioural grounds.

Which were the top five most seized dog breeds?

2023/24 - Terrier, Collie, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Jack Russell, German Shepherd
2022/23 - Terrier, Bulldog, Jack Russell, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Collie
2021/22 - Jack Russell, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Husky X, German Shepherd
2020/21 - Jack Russell, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Husky X, German Shepherd
2019/20 - Jack Russell, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Husky X, German Shepherd

Which were the top five most put to sleep/disposed of dog breeds?

2023/24 - n/a
2022/23 - n/a
2021/22 - n/a
2020/21 - n/a
2019/20 - n/a

How many active DCOs (dog control orders) do you have in place?


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Last modified on 21 May 2024