Strategic planning issues and projects
As well as the Local Development Plan (LDP) and its associated supplementary planning guidance (SPG), there are a wide range of other strategic planning projects and documents produced to inform decision making and guide the development process. These have informed policy and may be referenced in the LDP.
Carmarthen Bay, Gower & Swansea Bay Local Seascape Character Assessment
This informs policy and development management decisions, and provides useful information to assist developers, consultants and applicants. It is equivalent and complementary to existing landscape character assessments, including LANDMAP, and is used to guide the management of change in the coastal and marine environment.
Swansea Bay Strategy
The Swansea Bay Strategy sets out a strategic framework to support development opportunities and enhancement schemes across the developed waterfront areas of the Bay.
Swansea Central Area: Regenerating our City for Wellbeing and Wildlife
This document sets out the joint Green Infrastructure strategy of Swansea Council and Natural Resources Wales. It relates specifically to the Swansea Central Area and provides a decision making framework to support improving and increasing the amount of nature within the city.
Gower Landscape Character Assessment 2013
The Gower landscape varies considerably and the identification of special qualities and key characteristics plays an important role in understanding what contributes to the natural beauty of the AONB.
Gower Landscape Capacity Study for Caravan and Camping Sites 2014
The study identifies which areas of the Gower AONB are at landscape capacity, in terms of caravan and camping sites, and which areas might have potential for planned expansion of facilities, whilst taking account of the capacity and suitability of the area to accommodate such expansion.
The Regional Technical Statement for the North Wales and South Wales Regional Aggregate Working Parties- Second Review (RTS2) (September 2020)
Minerals Technical Advice Note 1: Aggregates (2004) (MTAN 1) requires the preparation of Regional Technical Statements (RTS) for the areas covered by both the South Wales and North Wales Regional Aggregates Working Parties (RAWPs).
Environmental Noise Action Plans and Quiet Areas
The Welsh Government has produced a Noise and Soundscape Action Plan for Wales 2018 - 2023. The action plan describes how and why environmental noise is managed across Wales.
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Last modified on 25 October 2021