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Service Model for Adult Social Care

The Service Model for Adult Social Care proposes an overarching service model to deliver requirements of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014, the Sustainable Swansea programme and the Local Authority's corporate priorities.

Our vision for health, care and wellbeing in the future is that:

"People in Swansea will have access to modern health and social care services which enable them to lead fulfilled lives with a sense of wellbeing within supportive families and resilient communities. We will help people to keep safe and protected from harm and give opportunities for them to feel empowered to exercise voice, choice and control in all aspects of their lives.

Our services will focus on prevention, early intervention and enablement and we will deliver better support for people making best use of the resources available supported by our highly skilled and valued workforce".

Our service model needs to deliver:

  • Our vision
  • The requirements of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act
  • Our Corporate Priorities, and
  • The savings required through the Sustainable Swansea Programme

The model is based upon the following six key elements:

  • Better prevention
  • Better early help
  • A new approach to assessment
  • Improved cost effectiveness
  • Working together better
  • Keeping people safe

Underpinning these principles is the need to build trusting relationships with those that we work with, improve communication and work co-productively to design and deliver services and interventions.

The model applies to all health, wellbeing and care and support for adults including older people and people with a learning disability, mental health issue and physically disabled people. We plan to work with partners in a collaborative way to maximise the contributions of all agencies to this approach.

This model was adopted by Cabinet on 15th June and can be accessed at:  Cabinet Reports Pack (June 2017) ( go to Page 23  - Appendix 1).

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Last modified on 19 August 2021