Environmental events - September
Moths and Bats Evening
5 September, 7.30pm - 10.30pm
Meeting at the end of Caswell Bay Car Park (entrance to Bishop's Wood Local Nature Reserve) Caswell Bay, Swansea SA3 4RH
Led by Ms Evelyn Gruchala (terrestrial ecologist and active member of the Glamorgan Bat Group) and Mr Russel Evans (local RSPB group and moths enthusiast)
Learn about the fascinating world of bats and moths at Bishop's Wood Local Nature Reserve.
To attract nocturnal moths we will set up light traps (which don't harm them) and while they gather, look for bats and use bat detectors to discover which species are out hunting nearby.
Then we will return to the traps to observe the diversity of moths we have caught.
- Please bring a torch
- This event is suitable for ages 8 years+
- Bat sightings cannot be guaranteed as they are a wild species but fingers crossed!
- Wear appropriate clothing for the weather and terrain.
- Children under the age of 16 years must be accompanied by an adult
- Weather dependent
* In case of unsuitable weather conditions on 5 September, this event will be postponed to 12 September (all registered attendees for this event will be informed via email)
Booking required: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/wellbeingandsafeguarding/t-rpymdxn
Night-time Sea Shore Safari
14 September, 8.00pm - 9.30pm
Meeting at Caswell Bay beach on top of the steps. Caswell Bay, Swansea SA3 3BS
Join us on a guided rockpool safari by torchlight to meet some of Caswell Bay's inhabitants and see what they get up to after dark!
- It is essential that each participant brings their own torch/head torch and if possible, wears bright / high-vis clothing
- Children must be 8 years+ to take part and all children must be accompanied by an adult
- Please wear wellington boots or other suitable sturdy shoes which can get wet
- Wear appropriate clothing for the weather and terrain.
- Leave your rockpool nets at home as we follow the Seashore Code and use our hands and buckets instead (tubs provided)
- Weather dependent
* In case of unsuitable weather conditions on 14 September, this event will be postponed to 12 October (all registered attendees for this event will be informed via email)
Booking required: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/wellbeingandsafeguarding/t-lnrqzae
Please note that information on events run by other organisations is published in good faith and Swansea Council cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies.